Erasmo provides essential support to GDFCF Project Managers Sigifredo Marín and Alejandro Marín in all their activities, including helping with infrastructure needs, maintenance, surveillance, logistics, construction, mechanics and other field administrative matters in Área de Conservación Guanacaste. He also serves as a driver for Sigi during field tours and for meetings outside of ACG. He has been working in this capacity since 2004. Erasmo lives in Liberia with his wife and three children.
- Who We Are
- Team
- Board & Advisors
- Dan Janzen
- Winnie Hallwachs
- Frank Joyce
- Stephen Stroud
- Eric Palola
- Brad Zlotnick
- Rob Pringle
- Jessie Hill
- Scott Miller
- Alex Smith
- Sara O'Connor
- Jorge Cortés Núñez
- Rex Hamilton
- Alejandro Masís
- Patrick Goodwillie
- Anne Lambert
- Nicholas Lapham
- Jason W. Green
- Robert Puschendorf
- Béryl Lacoste Hamilton
- Terri McCarthy
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- Dan and Winnie's Firehose Solution
- Celebrating the 25th Anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Season's Greetings and Latest Newsletter
- Announcing New GDFCF Executive Director!
- Insect Decline May Be Cause for Population Drop in Neotropical Birds
- Studying the Small Stuff: 2nd BioMar Mini Symposium
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