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Rainforest internet cafe

Photos of the Week

Sometimes the cellular signal comes to you; sometimes you have to go to it.

At Estacion Quica, on the Caribbean side, in rainy rain forest, Dinia Martinez, Ricardo Calero, Manuel Rios and Freddy Quesada building a shelter on a site where the cellphone signal enters. May 2013

And, true to form, it's drizzling. The computer is the most sensitive. Ricardo aided by Dinia while Manuel levels the roof support.

Freddy is fully prepared for a downpour.

Top priority, of course, is the roof. Freddy on ladder, Manuel on ground, Ricardo has put down his tools to take the picture.

The third and last wall goes on. All wood is previously owned; source remains uninvestigated.

And somewhat later the internet cafe is done.

Cleanup. Photos by Ricardo and Freddy, sent from this cafe. Construction crew: Manuel & Freddy of Estacion Pitilla and Dinia & Ricardo of Estacion Quica. All are parataxonomists.